Saucy Monky



SAUCY MONKY "Celebrity Trash"

2003(OLIVOIL) ¥1800(taxin)

Liz PhairやVeruca SaltなどのフィーメールUSインディー、はたまたPineforest Crunchら北欧ポップスの気品をも感じさせるSaucy Monkyのデビューアルバム!それもそのはず彼女らはアイルランド出身Annmarieとアメリカ出身Cynthiaをフロントにすえるプリンセス・パワーポップロック。やはりフロント女性二人のハーモニーってやつはどうにも反則。おそらく日本ではほとんど無名だが、1曲目のDon't Wanna Know Your Nameで聴けるあまりの素敵お姉さん加減に無条件降伏。SSWっぽい曲調もありつつ、ドライヴィンなディストーションギターが鳴ったらThe Pretendersかってくらいロックに変貌。

Track Lisiting: (全曲試聴
1 Don't Wanna Know Your Name
2 Seven Days
3 Paranoid
4 Disco Ball
5 Trapped
6 Make-up
7 Permanent Midnite
8 Flicker
9 Bonus: Sun's Comin' Up (wollons & Meracz Disco Ball Remix)

Annmarie Cullen
Cynthia Catania
Karen Teperberg
Steve Giles


Cynthia, the daughter of a New Jersey stockbroker, and Annmarie, the daughter of an Irish race car driver, first became acquainted with each other in Los Angeles, where they both moved to pursue music and adventure! Cyn is pretty crap with saving money and Annmarie drives like a granny, so they obviously don’t take after their fathers in that regard.

During the past few years, they have toured in Europe, Central Europe and the USA and shared the stage with fancy artists such as PJ Harvey, B-52s, Wilco, Black Eyed Peas, The Cure, Marianne Faithful and Pink!. The Saucy catalogue has also shown up on several high profile television shows in the states, including Veronica Mars, Drake & Josh (TV & film), Zoey 101 and MTV .

The culturally diverse, full band SAUCY MONKY, comprise of members from Ireland (Annmarie Cullen), Israel (Karen Teperberg) and America (Cynthia Catania and Steve Giles). People like to ask if we’re an "all girl band". Hmmm, I wonder how Steve feels about that question (-;.

Cynthia found the name SAUCY MONKY in a book by Tina Brown. The band chose the name coz it’s quirky, fun and not boring and serious. We’ve since found out that it’s also the name of a lingerie store in Los Angeles. Hmm.

Saucy have been taking their sweet ass time recording Album 3 (-; but, it will be available in the early part of 2008.